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7 Quick and economical ways to improve your workplace wellness IMMEDIATELY

Fast, simple and cost effective ways to improve your workspace to get instant results

May 4, 2021

7 Quick economical ways to increase your workplace wellness IMMEDIATELY 

  Workplace wellness has become the forefront of employer priorities if they wish to remain competitive and retain top talent. Covid 19 has only expedited this process and highlighted the importance of taking care of your employee’s health and wellbeing.

  Companies that prioritise employee’s health and wellbeing have better business performance, decrease medical expenses, have lesser absenteeism problems and most importantly have high performing, productive and resilient employees that are loyal to your company. 

  Just like improving your own health and wellbeing, enhancing your employee’s wellbeing takes time, dedications and practice. Not only from the employer but also the employee.   There are ways to help you achieve immediate results, although not all companies have a budget to build an inhouse gym or purchase 50 sleep pods.

 Improving your workspace doesn’t have to bust the budget, here are 7 ways to immediately improve your workplace that deliver results and don’t cost a fortune.

 Improve the Air Quality in your office 

 The quality of air your breathing effects your performance. If the quality of air within an office is polluted and toxic, it effects employee’s ability to think clearly, they will be distracted and uncomfortable, their health will be compromised. Research carried out by the World Green Building Council recorded an 11% increase in productivity as a result of increased fresh air to the workstation and a reduction in pollutants. 

Ways to improve air quality: 

· Implement a no-smoking policy 

· Use green non toxic cleaning products 

· Add purifying plants ( more on this a little later) · Increase air circulation by opening windows or using portable fans 

· The most obvious way – buy an air purifier, although you need to consider the square footage the air purifier covers. If you have a 10,000 sqft office and your air purifier only covers 1500 sqft then its not going to help.  ( if your wondering how to purify the air for a greater square footage area contact us) · 

The air purifier must must must have a carbon filter and a Merv 13 or greater filter. Carbon filters remove VOC’s and toxic gases in the air, Merv filters remove airborne bacteria and viruses that’s floating in the air. Getting and air purifier without these specifications will be a waste of money, as you will technically just be blowing dirty air around. 

 Improve the drinkable water quality in your office 

Our brains and heart are 73% water, our lungs are 83%, skin 64%, even the bones are 31% water. Its safe to say humans are made up of water. The consumption of water helps us to improve sleep quality, energy levels, as well as our ability to focus, our clarity of mind, and our awareness and alertness. Without water our bodies become dehydrated and subsequently even death. 

Try to: 

· Install a water dispenser with high purification 

 · Educate and promote employees about the benefits of drinking water though leaflets and signage 

· Do not supply plastic bottled water. Plastic bottled water is classified as ‘dead’ water, it has no minerals and doesn’t have any health benefits. 

 Provide proper nourishment in the office 

We’ve all heard the saying “you are what you eat," and this is especially true for the workplace. What you eat during the day at work fuels and powers the brain. If you want your employees to feel energized, focused, and productive, encourage them to eat nutritious food and follow a balanced diet that allows their body to heal and flourish. Employees in companies with a strong health culture are 3x more likely to actively improve their health. 

Encourage better eating habits by: 

· Increasing the availability of fresh fruit and vegetables 

· Limit processed foods availability 

· Promote healthy food options over advertising unhealthy ones

Wait there's more! Want to keep reading? send us an email saying "cheat sheet" and we will email you right back with 3 full pages of quick and effective ways to instantly make your office a better place to work.